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Alumni vs. Alumni Match
Friday, May 19th, at 7:00 PM

The Jackson Boys Volleyball Program will be hosting our annual Alumni vs. Alumni match on Friday, May 19th, in the Jackson High School Main Gym.  The match will feature ACTIVE volleyball players that graduated from Jackson High School.


All prior players are encouraged to come and participate.  Active volleyball players will play a best of 5 match with all the pomp and circumstance as a normal match.  Other Alumni players will be recognized with their families and their graduation year.  We encourage all family members come to the event too.  It will be a fun night for all involved!


We will be hosting an after party at a place to be determined.  All ages are invited to attend this event with appetizers and drinks.


We hope you will come and get involved in the festivities.  Tickets to the match will be sold for $5 each.   


Click Here to Register.

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